Here is guidance from the Minnesota Department of Agriculture on delivering our products as we continue to practice social distancing.

Where can I make deliveries of cottage food to customers?

If cottage food is ordered by a customer for delivery, the cottage food producer must personally deliver the food to the customer’s home, or meet the customer in person at another agreed-upon location within Minnesota to deliver the food directly to the customer. This means food cannot be shipped or delivered through the mail or a third-party shipping service.

*NOTE* Arranging pick up at your location with distancing OR delivering directly to your customers with distancing is allowed. If “porch delivery” is taking place, please remember to protect packages from the elements. This may include putting packages in a protective bin with a lid or a protective exterior package that customers can open to remove their individual packaged food order.

Can I use the post office or a shipping company to deliver my products?

No. All food must be delivered directly from the producer to the end consumer, not through an intermediary.

*NOTE* This guidance is still applicable during COVID-19. Products must still be delivered by the cottage food producer, not through a delivery service such as DoorDash, UPS, or through a multi-farm or charitable delivery group.


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